Mixed Dried Lavender Bouquet
Mixed Dried Lavender Bouquet
These fragrant dried lavender bouquets are expertly crafted from a delightful mix of lavender varieties, presenting a beautiful array of textures, scents, and colors. Ideal for any occasion, they serve as thoughtful gifts, perfect for host presents or enhancing home decor.
Each bouquet is unique, individually wrapped in light purple craft paper, and tied with a purple organza ribbon, complete with a merchandise tag. Bouquets measure approximately 10” long.
Additionally, the dried buds can be reused for crafting projects. Whether used in potpourri, homemade candles, or decorative sachets, the possibilities are endless. Embracing the versatility of dried lavender ensures that its charm continues to be appreciated long after it is given.
With their long-lasting fragrance, these bouquets truly embody the serene essence of lavender.